Thera Moisturizing Body Cleanser
Protects, Cleanses and Moisturizes the Skin
For the face, body and perineal area, this mild, no-rinse lotion cleanses, moisturizes, nourishes and protects the skin. With emollient-like hydration to relieve and protect dry, cracked skin, this cleanser soothes skin and provides temporary relief to chapped or cracked skin.
Active Ingredients
Dimethicone 1.75%.......Skin Protectant
Directions for Use
Apply cleanser to damp cloth or to skin/perineal area and then gently wipe clean. No rinsing necessary. Apply as needed. Apply a protectant cream as necessary.
Clinical Information
Mild, no-rinse cleansing lotion with emollient-like hydration to relieve and protect dry, cracked skin. Leaves the skin nourished and moisturized
Dimethicone (1.75%) is used as a skin protectant that soothes and smooths skin
Hyaluronic Acid is used to hydrate and help improve the appearance of the skin